Natalie's Laws of Cooking


Over the years, I have noticed that some things that I do regularly in my cooking are not universal. I have assembled my holy grail of cooking tips that I swear by. NOTE: This list is not exhaustive and I will continue to update this list as I see necessary.

  1. pasta water should taste like the sea

    I did not create this rule, but it is the most important rule of cooking I have ever learned. I did some half-ass internet research and could not find a definitive source as it is a fairly wide-spread philosophy.

    If you would like a more exact ratio, there are plenty of resources on Google to find that. However, here’s what I do: pour a medium sized handful of salt into your hand and throw it in a pot of water at the same time you add the noodles (Don’t add it at the beginning, I’m serious). Around one handful per pound of pasta. You are welcome.

  2. double the garlic amount in every recipe

    Trust me, what the recipe calls for is never enough. (NOTE: do not follow this rule with garlic powder, only fresh garlic)

  3. The easy way to peel garlic


4. The easy way to chop an onion