Taqueria Mazamitla: (These Tacos) Know How to Party
Tacos @ Taqueria Mazamitla
[this is an archived post from my old blog. I will be slowly migrating, and editing, these posts]
Taqueria Mazamitla
Recommended by: Thrillist
Location: 3610 W. Belmont Ave
Neighborhood: Avondale
Category: OG
Alrighty. Here. We. Go.
This place.... not bad. Good even! It's a small mom and pop shop that plays telanovelas on the TVs and the woman who took our order is more comfortable with Spanish than English. I tried, super self-consciously, to break out my rusty Spanish, but she looked more annoyed with me than if I just spoke English, so I gave up.
On to the tacos:
These are solid. I don't have anything bad to say about them. They were well seasoned and I really enjoyed them. Did they knock my socks off? Not quite. But, if I lived around the corner this would be a go to taco SPOT.
I don't have any funny little anecdotes or gimmicks to stretch out this review. When tacos are good, they're just good. I would definitely recommend.